Mostar Jazz Festival brings concerts, literary meetings and educational workshops

Mostar will host the Mostar Jazz Festival from August 23 to 26, which is becoming a traditional annual event focused on music and art.

As the organizers announced, the festival offers a diverse program, including concerts, literary meetings and educational workshops, and is intended for music lovers of all ages.

On the first day of the festival, August 23, at 8:30 p.m., the Ivo Andrić Book Club will host the presentation of Zlatko Gall’s book “Sezdesete”.

For the next day, August 24, at 8 p.m., the organizers announced a concert by the BDB Trio and the Bigesty Septet on the plateau in front of the Croatian Home of Herceg Stjepan Kosača.

The performance of Dena DeRosa and Pianotron Zvjezdan Ružić is planned for August 25 at 8 pm at the same venue.

On the last day of the Mostar Jazz Festival, on August 26, a masterkids workshop for younger ages will be held in the Gallery of the Croatian House of Herceg Stjepan Kosač starting at 12 noon.

Then at 19:00 a masterclass workshop for young musicians will be held, with mentors Bruno Mičetić (guitar), Miho Koren (double bass) and Dene DeRose (vocal workshop).

The organizers have sent an invitation to interested volunteers who can apply to e-mail  with the indication “VOLUNTEERS”. As they point out, the volunteers will gain experience in organizing the festival and have the opportunity to work with enthusiasts from the world of music and culture.

This year’s festival is collecting funds for musical instruments for children at the University Clinical Hospital Mostar. The goal is to make children’s stay easier and bring them joy through music.
