#MOBA family is represented by: Benjamin Ferizović from Bosanski Petrovac

#MOBA family 🧡 consists of a network of Youth Banks from 52 municipalities/cities throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina in which young people make friends, improve personal skills and contribute to the community. Youth banks believe that young people are the present, not just the future, and they know that young people can develop together with their community. They gather over 300 young people a year who selflessly contribute to the idea, which you can meet in the #MOBA family presents section.


  • Benjamin Ferizović has been a member of the board of the Youth Bank Bosanski Petrovac since 2017. Benjamin is also a member of the board for entrepreneurship. In 2021, Benjamin Ferizović was on the list of the top 10 volunteers for the first time, and he took the high 5th place.

⚬ Benjamin joined the Youth Bank Bosanski Petrovac because of his desire for positive stories in his community and personal progress. This is exactly the reason why in all these years he has helped in the realization of a large number of activities, projects and microbusiness in Bosanski Petrovac. His favorite projects in 2021 are: GREEN CITY, INSECTS FOR A BETTER TOMORROW and VIDIKOVAC GRADINA – KOLUNIĆ. We asked Benjamin why these three projects, and he told us:

I love planet Earth, and something we can do to help the planet is to plant at least one seedling. When we planted one seedling, it means as if we planted around 300 of them. Also, there is the Insects for a Better Tomorrow project, which is an innovative and creative project. And the Lookout Tower in Kolunica, which enriches the tourist offer of Bosanski Petrovac and offers us a beautiful view and natural resources of the city.

If you are interested in other projects of the Youth Bank Bosanski Petrovac, please visit the following LINK!

Benjamin’s favorite MOBA memory is from the Leadership Conference with Georgians and Abkhazians. A particularly dear and exciting part of the Conference was rafting on the Neretva. Our Benjamin wrote an article about it.

Benjamin also pointed out the following:

I am proud to have a good team with which I can build positive stories in our community. We are a small community, but I am glad that people recognize who we are and what our goal is. My local community has benefited greatly. Over 10 years, we have supported 1 microbusiness worth 2,000 BAM and 83 projects with a total value of 217,651 BAM. I am especially glad that people with disabilities are involved in the projects every year and that we have gathered 1228 volunteers since 2012.

⚬ In his work as a member of the board for entrepreneurship and a member of the board of the Youth Bank Bosanski Petrovac, Benjamin helped in the realization of the only microbusiness in Bosanski Petrovac, and that is Orchid Flower Shop – which Benjamin wrote about at the following link.

Benjamin has been a member of the Youth Bank Bosanski Petrovac board since 2017, and why you should become a member of the board Benjamin says the following:

Board membership of the YB board = opportunities. Opportunities to learn some basics from the world of procurement of materials and services for the project, an opportunity to help and brighten someone’s day, an opportunity to do an internship, travel, socializing, an opportunity to be in the top 10 volunteers. Many opportunities, that is what should motivate everyone, not only in YB.

  • In his free time, Benjamin Ferizović likes to write a lot of blogs, and you can find some of the blogs on his profile in lonac!

We also invite you to read the #MOBA presentation of our coordinator Marija Bulajić.
