Locals of the Mostar settlement are organizing protests: We don’t want Donja Jablanica to happen to us

The informal group of citizens “Let’s stop illegal changes to the Spatial Plan in Mostar” invites all citizens to protests that they will hold on Friday in the Miljkovići neighborhood, starting at 10:00 a.m.

The gathering is planned at the Kobilovača location, on the road Mostar – Čitluk.

Residents of the Miljkovići and Kozice settlements have expressed serious concern about the construction works on the hills above their houses, where preparations are underway for the construction of solar plants. They fear that their communities could suffer the same fate as Donja Jablanica, and they firmly say that they will not allow that to happen.

With the protest, they want to draw attention to what they call the illegal disposal of state land.

Locals point out that the decision of the Constitutional Court of BiH invalidated the conversion of state forest and agricultural land into construction land, and they emphasize that the City of Mostar continued to issue permits to investors to build on those plots despite this decision.

This protest is a response to, as they say, ignoring legal norms and the will of the local community, and represents an appeal to stop all further work until the situation is legally clarified. Locals invite all citizens to join them in the fight to preserve their land and respect the decisions of judicial institutions.

Source: klix.ba