Konjic High School students presented the “Konjic Discover” mobile application as part of Konjic City Day.

 In anticipation of summer and the tourist season, Konjic High School students   presented the mobile application “Konjic Discover”  as part of   Konjic City Day.

 A group of creative young people from Konjic, students of the Konjic High School,   with the support of their mentor Professor Emina Lizda and the school’s management, created, maintains and improves the mobile application “Konjic Discover”, which was presented as part of this year’s “Day of the City of Konjic”, with the wish that everyone who visitors to Konjic in the coming period, with the help of this application they can more simply and easily get the necessary information about the city, its natural and cultural beauties, as well as accommodation and catering facilities, which offer a gastronomic atmosphere.

The students who are currently engaged in the development of the application “Konjic Discover”, which is available on Android systems, in two languages, Bosnian and English, Nađa Alihodžić, Omar Prevljak and Admir Voloder, presenting the application, emphasized that the engagement in its development and continuous updating of the requirements a lot of time, but that it is something they love and do for pure pleasure.

– This is a good form of education for future generations and a good practical experience, so I would invite high school students to be part of this positive story and develop it in the best possible way – said student Admir Voloder, thanking the City of   Konjic  for its support.

– We are happy to have successful young people who use their knowledge and creativity to create something useful like this application. I congratulate the students, professors, director and everyone who contributed to the realization of this project, which was presented as part of   Konjic City Day . I wish the students who are going further good luck in their future education, with the desire to continue to be active and by their example encourage younger people to develop their ideas in this way, and I wish all of us to appreciate the environment in which we live and work more.   The city of Konjic Konjic  strives to support all young people, especially when it comes to the field of education, so that through their activities and ideas they can be recognized in their local community, especially in this type of project, where they want to make their city accessible and as visible as possible – said the mayor Catic.

– This is a unique mobile application and currently the only one related to   Konjic . It is a pleasure to work with students who want to create projects that are useful not only for our community, but also for all those who visit or plan to visit Konjic. The promotion   of Konjic , as they designed it with our mentoring support and the support of the Welcome to   Konjic project  , is of great importance for everyone, especially in anticipation of summer and the summer tourist season – said Emina Lizde, professor of the IT subject group at Konjic High School.

– We try to support our students for all their ideas. The project is an ideal opportunity for students to show their skills and to practically use their acquired knowledge – said the director of the   Konjic High School,  Enisa Karkelja, congratulating the students and the professor on their activities and achievements so far.

During the presentation, the students distributed stickers with the application code to those present, which were placed in frequent places in   Konjic , which are most often visited by tourists.

City of Konjic

Source: novikonjic.ba