JU “Druga obsna skola” Bosanska Krupa received vans for the transportation of students

Yesterday, in the City Administration of Bosanska Krupa, Mayor Armin Halitović, in the presence of School Board President Arman Bišćević, ceremoniously handed the keys to the van that will be used to transport the students of JU “Second Elementary School” Bosanska Krupa to the director of the “Second Elementary School” Daira Zjakić.

“I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart on behalf of the collective “Second Elementary School” Bosanska Krupa, students and their parents Mayor Armin Halitović, Minister in the Government of Sarajevo Canton Enda Pavić Pečenković, and Mayor of Stari Grad Sarajevo Municipality Irfan Čengić, for listening to the needs and implementing the procurement project van for the transport of our students”,  said on this occasion, the director of the “Second Elementary School”, Daira Zjakić.

The project for the purchase of vans for the students of the “Second Elementary School” Bosanska Krupa was implemented at the initiative of the City of Bosanska Krupa, and was supported and co-financed by the Ministry of Labour, Social Policy, Displaced Persons and Refugees of Sarajevo Canton.

“Yesterday, we ceremoniously handed over the keys to the van for the needs of the Second Elementary School. I need to especially thank Irfan Čengić, then a representative in the Assembly of the Canton of Sarajevo, and today the mayor of the municipality of Stari Grad Sarajevo, as well as the minister in the Government of the Canton of Sarajevo, Enda Pavić Pečenković, who contributed a lot with their activities to make this vehicle, which was necessary for the needs of the school, he finally provides security” , Mayor Halitović pointed out.

The realization of this project is an excellent example of joint cooperation with the goal of sustainable return, but also an example of how every child should be given an equal chance to access education.

Source: akta.ba