Journalism training for young people from 20 municipalities

Portal eTrafika is looking for ten young people who will go through the new cycle of the program “It can be done differently!” Apply if you are between 15 and 35 years old, you are interested in online and photojournalism and you live in one of these municipalities: Brčko, Čelić, Lopare, Teočak, Ugljevik, Janja, Živinice, Karakaj, Zvornik, Kalesija, Sapna, Kladanj, Banovići , Vlasenica, Šekovići, Srebrenica, Bratunac, Han Pijesak, Sokolac and Olovo. If we missed a place from that region, and you live right there and want to participate, contact us anyway!

We have been organizing the “Possible and Different” program for 13 years and is intended for people with little or no journalistic experience. This practically means that you do not have to have an education in the field of journalism or any connection with the media, except for the desire to find out how media content is created and how to create it independently.

The call for applications is open until September 30 at noon, and selected participants will be notified by October 5. If you have any questions, write to or to the inbox  of the Facebook page of the eTrafika portal .

We have prepared an intensive, five-day training for ten participants, after which the participants will work for four months in the field under mentorship, and publish their author’s texts on the eTrafika portal. After that, the participants together with the eTrafika team will organize a final event where they will be awarded diplomas. The training is held from October 14 to 18 at  the Visitor Center in Peck , where the participants will be accommodated for five working days. All transportation, accommodation and food costs are covered by the eTrafika portal.

Online journalism training will be led by eTrafika editor Vanja Stokić, while eTrafika journalist and cameraman Ajdin Kamber is in charge of photojournalism. During the training, participants will learn how to treat colleagues and interlocutors, how to choose a topic and formulate questions, how to take quality photos and turn the material into text, good enough for publication in the media. The training is intensive and full cooperation and dedication to work is expected from the participants. Please do not take this opportunity as a free excursion, although there will be plenty of time for socializing.

At the end of the five-day training, the participants return to their communities and create their own content under the mentorship of the editor of eTrafika. It is about positive stories from their environment, about people, groups and organizations that initiate positive processes at any level. The stories that the participants will work on are fully adapted to their inexperience. These are interviews with successful athletes, scientists, activists, artists, small business owners and the like, from the places where the participants come from. Here, find similar stories that we have already done as part of this program. These stories will be published on the eTrafika portal, as well as in the printed edition of the magazine “Može i madošić”, which will be distributed free of charge to citizens. Each participant is expected to write a total of three stories.

The end of the project is an event in one of the communities from which the project participants come. It includes the exhibition of photos created during the project, the promotion and distribution of the magazine “Može i madoje”, the awarding of diplomas to participants, as well as a mini-fair, where the heroes of positive stories will present themselves to the audience.

Our experience tells us that approximately half of the program participants become part of the eTrafika newsroom, where they gain valuable experience for further work in the media.

Selected candidates receive:

– training in the field of work in online media and photojournalism,

– work on author’s texts under the mentorship of the editorial staff of the eTrafika portal,

– equipment required for work,

– publication of author’s texts and photos on the eTrafika portal and in the magazine “Može i madožno”,

– participation in a joint photo exhibition and magazine promotion,

– certificate of participation in the project and completed internship,

– the possibility of engagement on the eTraffic portal after the completion of the project.

Selected candidates are expected to:

– active participation in training,

– writing texts in accordance with the project activities and instructions of the eTrafika editorial office,

– compliance with deadlines

– help with the organization of the final event.
