Incredible jump in plum production in the Federation of BiH

In 2024, the production of corn-grain in the Federation of BiH amounted to 222,152 tons, which represents an increase in production by 3.2% compared to 2023, according to a report by the Federal Statistical Office.
In the production of industrial crops, a decrease in soybean production by 25.5% and tobacco production by 59.3% was recorded compared to 2023. Potato production amounted to 181,269 tons and was 12.8% lower compared to production in 2023. In the production of fodder crops, a decrease was recorded in alfalfa production by 10.9% and clover production by 4.7%, while an increase in production was recorded in corn for feed by 1.1% and grass-clover mixtures by 6.7% compared to last year.

In fruit, apple production increased by 21.1%, and plum production by 84.2% compared to 2023. Total grape production increased by 40.4% compared to 2023.
