In the midst of the summer tourist season, control of the work of tourist guides in the area of ​​KS

During the summer tourist season, the focus of the inspection activities of the market-tourism inspection inspectorate is, among other things, aimed at the work of tourist guides in Sarajevo Canton, in terms of having a work permit issued by the competent authority according to the place of residence, as well as meeting the requirements for a tourist guide.

When performing his duties, the tour guide must have an identity card that identifies his identity, which he must wear in a visible place.

The tourist guide card is issued by the competent cantonal or federal ministry.

“During June, during intensified surveillance on weekdays and weekends in the area of ​​Sarajevo Canton, fifteen persons were found engaged in tourist activities, of which 14 were tourist guides and one tourist companion, eight of whom were engaged in the work of a tourist guide and one person who was was engaged in the work of a tourist escort, they did not meet the conditions provided for by the Law” , they point out from the Cantonal Administration for Inspection Affairs of the KS.

In view of the established irregularities, the acting inspectors issued a total of 14 misdemeanor orders in the amount of 1,800 KM and one decision on the elimination of deficiencies to tour guides, tour guides and travel agencies that engaged persons who are not qualified to perform tourist activities, which is in contradiction to provisions of the KS Tourism Act.

The aforementioned law stipulates that a physical person will be fined 100 KM for a misdemeanor if he performs the duties of a tourist guide without the approval of the competent authority and if he provides the services of a tourist companion and does not meet the conditions prescribed by law.

A legal entity will be fined 500 KM and a responsible person in a legal entity will be fined 100 KM if they do not provide a professional worker who is qualified to work in the tourism industry.

During the inspections, it was observed that the largest number of tourists on controlled tours were from China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Italy and Slovenia.

“Keeping in mind that the Canton of Sarajevo is recognized as an attractive tourist destination, especially during the summer months, and that tourism revenues make a significant contribution to the development of the economy of the Canton of Sarajevo, the Cantonal Administration for Inspections of the KS, through the Inspectorate of Market and Tourist Inspection, will continue to undertake activities in the upcoming period from their competence in this area, that is, in general, to continue monitoring the implementation of the KS Tourism Law, in order to ensure the most efficient use of tourism potential within the legal framework”,  emphasized the KS KUIP.
