Hifa Petrol donated 260,000 KM to the newly opened Day Center for children with developmental disabilities

The company Hifa Petrol Sarajevo proudly supported the construction of the “Denis” Day Center for children and people with developmental disabilities with a donation in the amount of 260,000 KM.

This significant donation made it possible for the center to become a place that will provide the necessary support and care to children and young people with special needs, creating conditions for their better quality of life and integration into society.

Opened Day Center for children with special needs

Opened Day Center for children with special needs

The opening of the Day Center “Denis” in Sarajevo represents an important step forward for the community, and Hifa Petrol stands out as one of the key partners in the realization of this project. With the support of the company, the center was built according to the highest standards, including a green certificate that guarantees environmental sustainability and energy-efficient operation of the facility. This is the first center of this type in Sarajevo Canton.

“We are proud to be part of this important project that directly helps the most vulnerable members of our community. Our donation is just one of the ways in which Hifa Petrol continuously contributes to the development of the local community and provides support to those who need it most. Less than 10 years ago, we realized an identical project in Tešnje with a donation of 250,000 KM for construction, where we realized the importance of such projects for the entire society, especially the parents of children with special needs”, said Hajrudin Ahmetlić, owner of Hifa Petrol.

Opened Day Center for children with special needs

Opened Day Center for children with special needs

Day center “Denis” is intended for children from preschool age to the age of 18, with a special focus on all-day care and additional professional support. This center will provide a better quality of life for 30 families who will have a safe and adequate place for their children to stay and develop.

As a socially responsible company, Hifa Petrol continues to support projects that promote equality, inclusion and sustainable development, believing that every child deserves an opportunity for a quality life and community support.

Source: klix.ba