Haris Muratović, the father of “three plus” swam across the Bosphorus!

Today, Haris Muratović, activist of the Association “Family 3 plus” and father of “three plus”, swam across the Bosphorus today and sent a wonderful message that birth rate is a priority for our society.

“Haris, as a father of four children, chose a unique way of promoting parenthood, our Association and his homeland,”  the Association stated.

We fondly remember Haris Muratović’s great swim across the Bay of Neum, who was officially the first in Bosnia and Herzegovina to swim the entire bay and sent a strong message to Bosnia and Herzegovina. society about the importance of birth rates.

Harris Bosphorus

The aim of this event was to promote the family, especially giving importance to families with three or more children.

The event was organized by SAMSUNG BOĞAZICI BOSPHORUS and organized by the Turkish Olympic Committee.

Source: akta.ba