At the end of June, our portal wrote about the green challenge of the Center for Energy, Environment and Resources CENER 21 – a kind of prize game for the population that concerned the reduction of electricity consumption in households. As Ajla Sijarić from this organization explained at the time, the participants who signed up for the green challenge had to achieve energy savings in their households, prove these savings and describe the ways in which they achieved them.
Valuable prizes awaited the winners of the challenge, including a laptop, tablet and bluetooth headphones. A few days ago, this interesting contest ended, and the champions of saving electricity were announced.
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Electricity Saving Challenge! Our commitment and enthusiasm have shown that small changes in daily habits can bring significant savings, not only in our households, but also for our planet ,” announced the organization CENER 21.
The winners of the challenge are Selma Plančić , who saved electricity by 33%, the second-placed Adnan Lihić saved 31%, while the third-placed Medina Šišić consumed 16% less electricity compared to the reference value.

Selma described how she started turning on the water heater when needed instead of it being on 24/7 as before, and significantly reduced the use of air conditioning. In the evenings, she regularly left the windows open to improve ventilation and make the days and nights more comfortable, and only turned on the TV when she was actually watching it instead of being on all the time like before. Also, the washing machine only turned on when there was enough laundry to wash, not just a few items of clothing.
“For the last month, I have turned into my father, making sure that the light is not turned on in every room,” laughs Selma.
And Adnan turned off the TV and other devices, and used the air conditioner and water heater rationally and in the regime of a cheaper tariff. “Through teamwork, all household members reminded each other to turn off light bulbs and other appliances when they were not needed. When leaving the apartment, we turn off everything that does not have to remain in operation mode until we return,” describes the runner-up in this challenge.
“Bronze” Medina Šišić expressed her satisfaction for participating in the challenge, and she is glad that she had the opportunity to contribute to energy conservation through changes in her everyday life. She emphasizes the importance of using LED bulbs and turning off appliances that are not in use: ” I used natural light as much as possible, and I set the air conditioner to economical mode and wherever possible I used fans. “
This interesting action managed to prove how much savings can be achieved by more careful and rational use of electricity. In addition to saving money, the environment is saved, but the culture of living also changes for the better.
“Together we have proven that we can make a difference and inspire others to follow the same path ,” says the CENER 21 Center for Energy, Environment and Resources.