Get to know the DK BEAUTY STUDIO business launched with the support of the Novi Grad Youth Bank

Dragana Kenjalo, a young and talented twenty-six-year-old from Novi Grad,  took advantage of the opportunity of the Youth Bank and won  a grant of 2,000 KM  to start a business. Here is her story:

1. How did you decide to start a business?

The decision to start a beauty salon came from my long-standing love for cosmetics and skin care. Through experiences with friends and family, I have often been the one to give advice on care and treatments. I saw an opportunity to turn my knowledge and passion into a business that not only meets the needs of the local community, but also provides an outstanding customer experience. Also, I wanted to be independent and create something of my own, something that reflects my values ​​and quality standards.

2. Who is your support in the whole process?

My family was the biggest support during the whole process. Without their emotional and practical help, it would have been much more difficult. Also, friends supported me with their advice and guidance, and some even became my first clients. In addition, I am in contact with mentors from the cosmetics industry who have given me invaluable advice on running a business.

3. What does one of your working days look like?

My work day starts early in the morning. First, I make sure that the salon is perfectly clean and ready for the arrival of clients. I review the schedule for the day and prepare all the necessary products and tools. During the day, I work with clients, providing different services such as make-up, lash lift, brow lift, eyelash extensions, waxing, eyebrow shaping and coloring. Between appointments, I deal with administrative tasks such as keeping records, ordering new products and planning marketing activities. At the end of the day, I devote time to analyzing feedback from clients and planning activities for the following days. Every day is dynamic and fulfilling, but I am filled with satisfaction because of happy and satisfied clients.

4. How did the people around you react?

The reactions were extremely positive. Many were thrilled with the idea of ​​finally having access to quality beauty treatments in their neighborhood. My friends supported me not only with words but also with actions, often recommending my salon to their acquaintances. Their support gave me extra energy to dedicate myself to this job and provide the best possible service.

5. How is your business different from other related businesses in your local community?

My salon stands out for several key aspects. First, I only use natural and organically certified products that are safe for the skin and environmentally friendly. Second, each treatment is tailored to the specific needs of the client – I don’t believe in a “one size fits all” approach. Ultimately, I create a relaxing and luxurious environment that allows clients to fully relax and enjoy the treatments.

6. Will you work alone or do you plan to hire more people ?

Initially, I plan to work alone to build a stable foundation for the business and gain a deeper understanding of client needs. However, as the business grows, I definitely plan to hire more people. My goal is to build a team of professionals who share my passion and commitment to quality, so that together they can provide even better service to our clients.

7. What are the strengths and weaknesses of your business?

The strength of my business lies in the quality of service, the use of natural products and the individual approach to each client. Also, I am committed to continuous education and improvement of services. Weaknesses may be initial resource constraints, meaning that I may not be able to respond to all client requests immediately or offer a wide range of services. However, I plan to gradually expand the capacities and improve the offer so that my business can grow and prosper.

8. Before starting your business, did you go through education that helped you advance in the business world and approach your work more professionally?

Yes, before I started my business, I devoted myself intensively to education. I attended courses in the field of cosmetics, including advanced skin care techniques and the latest trends in the industry. Also, I completed several workshops that helped me acquire the necessary knowledge about business management, financial management and marketing.
I especially benefited from the training on social media marketing and digital promotion, which is key to attracting new clients and maintaining relationships with existing ones. All these educations have helped me approach starting and running my business with greater confidence and professionalism, ensuring that I can provide the best possible service to my clients.

9. Where do you see your business in 10 years?

In 10 years, I see my business as a leading beauty salon in our region, recognizable by the quality of services and innovations. Also, I want to open a school for beauticians where I could transfer my knowledge and experience to new generations of experts.
The vision of my business includes active participation in the community through various initiatives and projects. I want to support local events, educational programs and environmental initiatives, which would further strengthen our position as a socially responsible business.
Basically, I see my business as synonymous with quality, innovation and customer care. My goal is to create a place where every client feels special and where they can find everything they need for complete care and relaxation.

10. What would you say to young people who are thinking about starting a business?

My message to young people would be to believe in themselves and their ideas. Every beginning is difficult, but with a lot of work, patience and dedication, the results will come. It is important that they are not afraid of failure, because they are often the best teachers. Education and networking are key – learn from others, ask for advice and be open to new ideas. In the end, the most important thing is to do what you love, because it will give you the motivation to persevere even in the most difficult moments.
