The exhibition “People with a philanthropic heart”, held today at the European House of Culture and National Minorities in Sarajevo, officially announced the second manifestation “Days of Philanthropy”. This year it will be held in nine cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where civil society organizations from Bijeljina, Travnik, Banja Luka, Mostar, Zenica, Srebrenica, Maglaj and Tuzla will celebrate the work of good people with various events from September 25 to October 4. philanthropists and philanthropic organizations working for progress and togetherness across the country.
“Days of Philanthropy” are part of the “People with a Philanthropic Heart” campaign, which is carried out with the aim of raising awareness of the importance of fostering philanthropy and the culture of giving for the development of civil society in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The campaign is supported by the government of the United States of America (USA) through the American Agency for International Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina (USAID), the activity “Strength of the local – Our community is our responsibility”, which is carried out by the Tuzla Community Foundation with the support of local partners.
Emphasizing the commitment of the USAID mission to the development of BiH in the last 28 years, Jay Totte, director of the Department for Democracy, said that “with this campaign, we want to show that philanthropy is not just large donations. Philanthropy is both a collective outcome and a change achieved by ordinary people when they join forces. By fostering a culture of giving and cooperation, citizens can build stronger and more resilient communities that thrive on shared responsibility and solidarity.”
Jasna Jašarević, director of the Tuzlan Community Foundation, said that the Foundation wants to show that good people are all around us, that with their selfless and philanthropic efforts they light the way to the future that we all desire and deserve, which is why the series of stories about ten people – archers who they confirm these claims with their good deeds.
” In the environment in which we live, work and raise our children, there are not enough stories about philanthropy. Our new series of stories about people who do good for others points to the values that every society should cherish more. Nobility and humanity happen in BiH every day and we should all know, appreciate and praise that. The actions of these good people that we present during the campaign should give us an incentive to change ourselves and society for the better ,” said Jašarević.
One of the stories from the series “People with a philanthropic heart” is the one about Aida Sejdić Melezović, a professor from Sarajevo whose selfless commitment contributed to more than seventy-four children from all over BiH going to Italy for free treatment.
” Being part of a campaign that encourages us to do good and promotes philanthropy is a great honor for me, but also an obligation. The happiness and smile of every cured child and his parents, as well as the support of my family, friends and my students, are a huge incentive and life obligation for me to continue. I am happy that I work with young people and that through work at school I can help them develop a sense of responsibility for the people around us and the society in which we live, and to understand the values of philanthropy ,” said this professor.
Mirza Mustafagić, a young influencer from Tuzla, also spoke at the press conference. Thanks to his initiative, a public campaign was launched last year that united hundreds of people and through which about 316 thousand KM in money and more than 200 thousand KM in goods and materials were collected to equip a day hospital for hematology and oncology patients in Tuzla.
” I couldn’t do any of this on my own. I just started 4,000 people who made this huge change. Unfortunately, we have solved only a small part of the problem, but we have shown that people really have the power to change things in society. I really hope that this campaign will be the smallest among those that we will do in the future “, said Mustafagić.
The manifestation “Days of Philanthropy” ends in Tuzla, with a ceremonial awarding of recognition to people whose generosity and philanthropy marked the year behind us.

Days of Philanthropy in BiH 2024
Organizer: Tuzla Community Foundation
“Days of Philanthropy in Tuzla”
01.10. 11:00-13:00 Slana Banja, Philanthropic Games
04.10. 14:00-17:00 Hotel Mellain, Expert Forum “Transparency and Philanthropy”
04.10. 19:30-21:30 Mellain Hotel, Evening of Philanthropy and “Philanthropic Heart” Award
Organizer: Local foundation Bijeljina
“Days of Philanthropy Bijeljina 2024”
26.09. 19:00 – 21:00 City Square, Evening of Philanthropy
29.09. 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. City park, Exhibition of art works from the competition “Little Philanthropists”
Organizer: Youth Center Travnik
“Manifestation of philanthropy and gala evening of humanity”
26.09. 17:00 – 20:00 Travnički corzo, Path of Humanity
27.09. 17:00 – 20:00 Travnički corzo, Path of Humanity
29.09. 18:00 – 21:00 Ivo Andrić’s birthplace, Philanthropic gala evening
Organizer: Jericho Foundation
“The importance and role of young people in the promotion of philanthropy”
27.09. 19:00 – 21:00 Hotel “Emporia”, Evening of philanthropy
Organizer: Association for the Advancement of Urban Culture, Contemporary and Public Art Rezon, Mostar
30.9. 13:00-14:00 Bartolo Kašić Elementary School, Unveiling the Friendship Mural
Organizer: Humanitarian association Genesis Project
“Let’s lend a hand”
26.09. 09:30 – 21:00 Retirement Home Banja Luka, Exhibition and gathering of students and users of the Home
30.09. 09:30 – 12:00 Kindergarten “Lepa Radić” Gradiška, Meeting of children and beneficiaries of the Duga Association
Organizer: Local Foundation Zenica
“Conference on Philanthropy – Community Good – Zenica 2024”
26.09. 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Hotel Zenica, Conference “Good in the Community”
Organizer: Association of Citizens of Fojnica with the support of the Peace Building Network
30.9. 11:00-13:00 Peace classroom, Philanthropic gathering
Organization: Association of Citizens Friends of Srebrenica
27.9. 20:00-22:00 City Square Bratunac, Philanthropic Concert of the Rock School