Foča: Help for students of unemployed parents

Yesterday, 110 students from Foča schools whose parents are unemployed received financial assistance of 200 KM each. The funds were provided by the municipality of Foča so that 67 families, which are included in this assistance, can more easily welcome the new school year.

All families are from the list of the Employment Agency, whose records show them as unemployed. Most of them have children whose preparation for the new school year needs significant funds.

Suzana Petrović has four children and her help is welcome.

“This help means a lot to us, at least for the purchase of notebooks, pencils and crayons, and the mayor and the Government of the RS have provided textbooks,” said Petrović.

Slađana Jovanović’s four children go to school and, as she says, the help of 800 KM will mean a lot to her.

“We have five children, four are schoolchildren, now we have received help for them, it is a big thing for us, for which we are grateful. This is the second year we have received help, and it all comes in handy,” says Jovanović.

In this way, the municipality helps families where no one works in order to at least partially solve some living expenses, said Mayor Milan Vukadinović.

“It is important that they provide basic, existential things in this financially challenging time. This is one of the measures of the Municipality of Foča, and there is also an invitation for families with three or more children to subsidize winter accommodation. We also purchase car seats for all children born this year. The family is in the first place and the pronatal policy, for which the municipality allocates significant funds. In the budget for this year, we doubled those funds,” said Vukadinović

Vukadinović reminded that the municipality had previously provided textbooks for all students of the older grades of primary schools and a voucher worth 100 KM for all first graders.

Journalist: Vladimir Pantović
Source:  Radio Foča
