Emotional welcome of the Paralympics in the City Hall

Bosnia and Herzegovina won two silver medals at last night’s Paralympic Games in Paris. On this occasion, a great paraswimmer, Ismail Barlov, who won silver, and the national team in sitting volleyball, who also won a silver medal, were welcomed in Sarajevo. Emotions were at their peak, and many citizens of Srajevo welcomed our Paralympians, who were rewarded with thunderous applause.

Our “golden” Paralympians in sitting volleyball who have made us proud for years with numerous medals and victories were presented, as well as the team of “golden” Ismail Barlov who did the unexpected, and many thought the impossible.

“First of all, I would like to thank this little boy who gilded our silver and that’s why this medal is special ,” said Ifet Mahmutović, the selector of the BiH national team in sitting volleyball.

He thanked everyone who helped them go to this competition, organized the celebration, but also everyone who supported them.

Sabahudin Delalić, captain of the national team in sitting volleyball, said that this is his seventh medal from the Olympics. He says that they were looking forward to this one as if it were their first.

“I have to be honest, Ismail took us to the final. If it wasn’t for him, we might have lost to Germany. He will continue this story, we have reached our peak. He will continue and be a great champion,”  said Delalić.

Ismail Barlov’s coach, Amel Kapo, said that words cannot describe how proud he is of all members of PKD Spid and Ismail Barlov.

“How many kilometers of sweat is behind Ismail, there, how many kilometers have he swum to be where he is?” “He didn’t have a holiday, he swam those kilometers to be where he is, and tomorrow he goes to school,”  said Kapo.

He also told an anecdote about the doctor who predicted great success for the Ismailis and said: ” Doctor, thank you for believing in us even when we didn’t!”

Barlov: The feeling is fantastic

After arriving at the Sarajevo airport, Ismail Barlov addressed the media.

“The feeling is fantastic. Thank you very much for giving me such a welcome”

Ismail was asked if he was aware of what he had accomplished.

“The impressions haven’t set in yet, but after that I might be aware.”

There are also his friends from the class, and the most beautiful thing is that youth is supported so beautifully.

“It means a lot to me that my friends follow me at every competition. It means a lot to me and I am happy ,” said Barlov.

Ismail Barlov expressed his wish that he and his brother Ismail Zulfić win a medal together at the next POI.

“He is my brother, and my wish is to bring gold to Bosnia and Herzegovina at the next Games,”  said Barlov.

Source: akta.ba