EmBRACE – The first call for the allocation of funds to micro and small entrepreneurs

The EmBRACE Small Projects Fund is a pilot project that provides financial support to micro and small entrepreneurs   within the Interreg VI-A IPA   Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2021 – 2027 Program  and improves the competitiveness of micro and small enterprises (SMEs) in the border area .

For the first time in this program area,  a total of EUR 8,725,324.36 is available to  micro and small entrepreneurs from the European Fund for Regional Development and IPA III, of which EUR 3,000,000.00 is available through the first call .

Support for small and medium-sized enterprises for:

  • development and adaptation of business models, products, services and processes, encouraging the development of local small and medium enterprises with a strong focus on the introduction of production innovations or processes;
  • development of pilot actions and new business solutions;
  • strengthening cross-border business cooperation of small and medium-sized enterprises.

From the EmBRACE project, the co-financing rate per directly financed final recipient is up to 85% of the total eligible costs and can be requested as a grant. The rest will be covered as the own contribution of the final recipients. Each final recipient should provide at least 15% of the total eligible costs as their own contribution. Own resources can consist of any type of financial resources (eg money in a bank account, bank loan, other donors) with the exception of grants requested from the European Union or from national co-financing sources.

For more information  click on the link.

Source: rolify.com