Elma Hašimbegović: The settings and charm of the Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina attract tourists and guests

The History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been visited by more than 10,000 tourists and guests in the last six months. They had the opportunity to look at 10,000 museum objects that the institution keeps, and much larger museums in far more serious societies could not boast of the Museum’s settings and charm in the summer months.

Due to the great interest, the History Museum works with visitors throughout the year and prepares programs for a diverse museum audience, while in parallel it works on research and preparation of new exhibitions and content for the same but always new audience.

And therein lies the beauty of that interesting and dynamic invitation, says the director of that institution, Elma Hašimbegović. Curators work diligently with collections and historical material while at the same time listening to the voices of the audience and their visitors and trying to translate the results of their work into drinkable and interesting content.

The audience is the most diverse, has different tastes and is looking for a variety of content.

– Tourists from all over the world, more individually than in groups, come to the Museum throughout the year in search of knowledge about the history and cultural-historical heritage of this country. In the museum, they also get information from the history of the turbulent 20th century, but also about the relationship of modern society to its past – Hašimbegović pointed out in a statement for Fena.

According to the students and schools, she added, they have a slightly different approach, trying to offer them a more interactive way of working, to learn to think, learn about culture and historical processes with the help of curators.

– These visitors require more effort and much more time, but this is exactly what we see as our contribution to the educational process, so the additional effort represents satisfaction and the achievement of the museum’s mission – she pointed out.

Summer is the period when a large number of tourists come to the city, with its peak during the SFF, so they have come prepared for this season as well.

The garden is now decorated with restored artefacts from the Second World War, and local and foreign visitors can learn about the complexity of situations and relations in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, about who the partisans were and what was characteristic of the movement of resistance to fascism in these areas in the European context. Visitors are already calling this new space the Pavilion of Anti-Fascism.

– The second exhibition that arouses great interest among visitors, especially from the region, but also from other parts of the world, is located in Kubus, the main museum space, and takes us through the intricate labyrinth of the nineties, which influenced millions of people in this area. And that in a very interesting and attractive, and at the same time professionally and scientifically processed way – said Hašimbegović.

(hair dryer)

Source: abrasmedia.info