Eight local communities against lithium mining in Majevica

On September 12, leaders and representatives of eight local communities on and around Majevica signed a joint statement in Lopara against the opening of a lithium mine on this mountain.

The Mayor of Lopare, Rado Savić, said that the joint statement was signed by the mayor of  Brčko District, representatives of the cities of Tuzla and Bijeljina, and the mayors of the municipalities of Lopare, Ugljevik, Teočak, Čelić and Sapna.

The joint statement has three points, and it states that the signatories are expressly opposed to the opening of a lithium mine and other supporting elements on Majevica, and emphasize that it can cause irreparable damage to nature and the environment and threaten the survival of the population.

– We will organize all activities in the fight against the opening of mines jointly and thus act towards the general public, higher levels of government and international representatives – it was announced in a joint statement, reported by the website of the Municipality of Lopare.

On Thursday, September 12, a round table was held in Lopara on joint activities of local communities in the fight against the opening of the lithium mine on Majevica.

The mayor of Brčko District, Zijad Nišić, told reporters that he is against the opening of a lithium mine, stating that it has been proven that the consequences for health are great, and that the big dilemma is how much life will be possible in that area.

Source: ba.ekapija.com