Many citizens of Sarajevo used this beautiful Eid evening to enjoy walking and socializing.
Photojournalist captured the festive atmosphere in the city center. Some took the opportunity to take photos in front of the Baščaršija Mosque.
According to AccuWeather data, it is currently 17 degrees Celsius in the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and similar weather awaits us in the coming days of Ramadan.
This morning, the faithful prayed the Eid prayer in the Gazi Husrev-bey mosque, and it was preceded by a festive program in which reciters of the Koran and performers of ilahi and qasida took part. The Eid sermon was led by Reisu-l-ulema Husein-ef. Kavazovic.

Unfortunately, the joy that fills the hearts of believers during the days of Eid is overshadowed by the suffering of innocents around the world – from Palestine to Ukraine to Myanmar.
The second day of Eid al-Fitr – Thursday, April 11, is marked as the Day of Martyrs according to the calendar of the Islamic Community.