The fact is that we increasingly communicate via messages, social networks and online platforms, where the space for tone, facial expression and non-verbal communication is reduced to a minimum. This is precisely why our empathy is at risk . In this article, I will show you how much influence technology has on us, without us even realizing it, and how important a digital detox is .
According to Sprout Social , compared to other generations, Generation Z uses social media the most to discover new products, follow news, and contact brands for customer support. The platforms they use most often are Instagram (91%) and TikTok (86% ), making them the most popular. However, many in this generation feel burned out and suffer from the unhealthy effects of social media . Many feel the need to set boundaries for themselves, including a social media detox . The survey says that 57% of Generation Z took a detox in 2023, and 63% plan to do so in 2024, which is the most of any generation.

Psychological effects
The psychological effects of technology on human relationships are truly complex and multi-layered. When it comes to mental health, concerns need to be raised. I think we are not aware of how much technology affects our mental health and how much it actually changes us and even affects our self-confidence.
I have noticed that children who spend a lot of time on their phones often show changes in their behavior. For example, a child who rarely drops the phone from his hand becomes more withdrawn and less interested in activities with peers. When she is without her phone, she becomes nervous and finds it difficult to focus on a game or a conversation. Although not all children behave this way, the fact is that excessive use of technology can negatively affect their emotional as well as social functioning. Even if only some children have these problems, it is serious enough to deserve our attention and search for solutions.
Another thing is that people on social networks show their life as something ideal, which it certainly isn’t. It is for people who look at it badly every day, their self-confidence decreases and a feeling of guilt arises that they cannot live such a perfect life, which of course has a negative effect on their psyche .
A third problem is the rise of cyberbullying and online harassment . The digital space provides anonymity, which allows some people to engage in harmful behavior. The consequences of online harassment can be serious, affecting people emotionally and psychologically . It poses a threat to the sense of safety that should be present in any healthy relationship, whether online or offline.
Technology, especially in the form of smartphones and social media, has led to addiction . According to Science Zeba Academy , smartphone and social media addiction is increasingly recognized as a problem that negatively affects mental health and interpersonal relationships .

Digital detox
A digital detox refers to a period of time when a person avoids using technological devices such as smartphones, televisions, computers, tablets, and social media. “Detoxifying” from digital devices is often seen as a way to focus on real social interactions without distractions.
Very Well Mind has singled out a few possible signs that you need a digital detox, and I’m going to share them with you:
- You feel anxious or stressed if you can’t find your phone;
- You feel the need to check your phone every few minutes;
- You feel depressed, anxious or angry after spending time on social networks;
- You are preoccupied with the number of likes, comments or re-shares of your posts on social networks;
- You’re afraid you’ll miss something if you don’t constantly check your device;
- You often stay up late or wake up early to use the phone;
- You have trouble concentrating on one thing without having to check your phone.
I would like to mention that we don’t have to reach these stages to take a break from the online world. Even a mini break from technology can help us feel better and enjoy real life more.
How to do a digital detox
A digital detox doesn’t have to mean completely cutting off your phone and other digital connections. The process is often more about setting boundaries and ensuring that you use your devices in a way that contributes to , rather than harms, your emotional and physical health .
You can do a complete detox and not use any devices at all, but we live in a time when life is unimaginable without devices, even jobs depend on them, so it’s okay to use them for such things. The key is organization and limits on usage . Then you do a mini-detox at the end of the day.
Moments when you can limit your use of digital devices: when you eat, when you wake up, when you go to bed, if you are working on a project or hobby, spending time with friends or family, etc. It will also help you in detox if you remove distractions, that is, turn off push notifications on your phone. Limiting the use of social media to about 30 minutes a day can significantly improve well-being, reducing symptoms of loneliness and depression.
Here are some tips to make your digital detox more successful:
- Inform your friends and family that you are on a digital detox and ask them for help and support;
- Find ways to always have other activities on hand;
- Delete social media apps from your phone to reduce temptation and easy access;
- Try to leave the house; go to dinner with friends or take a walk;
- Keep a journal to track your progress and write down your thoughts.
Going on a digital detox can be challenging and stressful, especially at first, as it can lead to feelings of anxiety or boredom. However, it is important to understand that this break from technology will help us develop greater empathy and better connection with the people around us . We should be aware that this approach will positively affect our mental and physical health.