Dino Klepo financially helped socially vulnerable children in Jablanica

Dino Klepo financially helped socially vulnerable children in Jablanica before the new school year

Dino Klepo, a native of Jablanica, better known in the internet community as Gastarbajter, has been advising and informing all those who came to Germany, or are just about to come to this country, about the way of life through his YouTube channel, Facebook group and his Facebook profile. , legal procedures, finding and keeping a job, and many other service information, which make everyday life easier for many.

Dino comes from a family of humanitarians, and he himself continued to follow that path. His mother, Sadija Klepo, is a woman with an incredible life story and biography. He left Jablanica for Germany in 1992 as a refugee. After that, he manages to achieve incredible things. She received in Berlin the highest recognition that can be received in Germany:

Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande (Order of Merit), awarded by the President of the State. The Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany was founded in 1951 as a visible sign of recognition and gratitude to individuals for their special engagement in society. It is awarded to deserving persons who have demonstrated their activity in the field of political, economic-social and spiritual work, as well as in the sphere of action in building peace and understanding between people.

In the explanation for this high recognition, it is written that in the summer of 1992, just a few weeks after arriving in Germany, Sadija Klepo started humanitarian activities. She tirelessly collected money and donations in the form of food, clothes, and shoes, most of which she personally distributed in all parts of the war-torn homeland and the Balkans, writes JablanicaLive.

From the humanitarian convoys during the war, the humanitarian organization ‘From man to man’ was born, which has been engaged in helping foreigners, especially refugees in Germany, for 23 years.

This time, Dino financially supported the campaign to collect school supplies for socially disadvantaged children in his native Jablanica, organized by the “El-Emin” Humanitarian Association.

The humanitarian association “El-Emin” would like to take this opportunity to thank Dina for the valuable donation on behalf of the children who will greatly benefit from the purchased school supplies.

Source: blesak.info