Digital technologies for the preservation of cultural heritage

Preservation of the rich cultural and historical heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the focus of numerous activities, initiatives and projects of the European Union.

And while most projects apply relatively traditional ways of presenting and nurturing the common past, individuals and organizations like  combine past and future in a unique way through virtual reality and new technologies. This innovative way not only improves access to cultural heritage, but also encourages a deeper understanding and appreciation of different cultures. 

“ brings together people who love cultural heritage and digital technologies,”  prof. Ph.D. Selma Rizvić , director of 

“We are currently running two projects through the EU  Creative Europe program  – “SheLeaders VR” and “StecakLand” which deal with the Balkans. The first deals with the rulers of the Balkans from the medieval period, and the second deals with stećci, which are our cultural heritage, and our goal is to introduce the audience to their decorations, that is, to somehow bring them to life through this project,” adds  Rizvić .

Digital technologies enable different and innovative ways of presenting rich museum materials, thus attracting a new audience.  is actively working on equipping the museum with modern technologies as well as VR technologies that are currently present in several BiH. museum. 

“The audience is delighted, many people who didn’t like museums before now come because of these applications, because the days have passed when there was a small board with an inscription next to the exhibit and nothing more, and if there is no curator there, you don’t really understand what you are looking at,” said the director of the association. . 

Modern technologies provide numerous ways to attract younger generations who are increasingly looking for faster and more interactive media for information transfer, which is a kind of challenge for application design and everyone involved in the process of digitizing cultural heritage. 

“The feeling when someone experiences VR for the first time is incredible, and I’ve certainly had the opportunity to do it a thousand times in my life, and every time it’s unique and beautiful and evokes that emotion of happiness, how those people are happy about something new. That component has never been missing with VR and that’s why it’s kind of wonderful to work in such an environment with such a reaction from the audience we work with,” added  Bojan  Mijatović , director of VR applications at

Modern technologies such as virtual reality are recognized as a powerful tool for preserving cultural heritage in interesting and interactive ways. Through the research of old civilizations, historical sites, traditions, significant events and customs, citizens can now get to know the past with an unprecedented level of realism and detail. VR and new technologies offer dynamic platforms to connect with common heritage and as technology advances, the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage has significant potential for growth and development which is recognized across Europe and increasingly in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Digital borders are moving again and again in order to get to know, respect and strengthen cultural relations between  Bosnia and Herzegovina  and  the European Union .
