Dayak, the symbol of Banja Luka, delighted tourists from Brazil

The symbol of our city, the Dayak boat, is becoming one of the tourist attractions known in many countries and even in Brazil.

According to Saša Knežić, a member of the Dayak Club, a large number of residents recognized the Dayak boat as a tourist attraction, so many tourists around the world book a ride before arriving in Banjaluka.

“Positive reactions gave us the idea to organize a dayak boat ride for the first time in history. More and more people are taking advantage of the nice weather for romantic dayak boat rides at night, with a unique atmosphere that cannot be described in words, it all looks like a fairy tale and unreal on our beautiful river Vrbas, with a view of the Kastel fortress”, said Knežić for “Nezavisne”.

According to him, the dayak is the jewel of our city, what the gondola is to Venice, the dayak boat is to Banjaluka.

As he explains, a dike is actually a pole used to propel a boat, it is four meters long and has a metal part called a plank at the end.

“The bed of the Vrbas River is ideal for this type of boat and for this very reason it is unique and special. The very fact that this is the only boat that is driven only here and nowhere else in the world is proof of what a gem our city possesses. This is the only boat that is driven upstream on a mountain-mountainous wild river such as the Vrbas. All boats are driven by motor or oars, and this is the only boat that pushes away from the Vrbas River bed, which is full of hand-sized stones. The comparison with gondolas in Venice is proof of how unique and special these two means of transport are in the world,” he explained.

He adds that gondolas are rowed along the quiet Venetian canals, while the Dayak boat brings everything together.

“It is adapted to calm parts of the Vrbas River, as well as extreme rapids, which require strength, skill and technique. We believe that it is not yet appreciated enough, but we are working hard to raise awareness among people, above all our fellow citizens, so that they understand what a treasure our city, our river Vrbas, possesses”, explained Knežić.

He added that the arrangement of the banks of the Vrbas River had a positive effect on making the Dayak boat even more visible and accessible to our fellow citizens.

“For the first time this year, a large number of Banja Luka residents rode in a dayak. When asked why they didn’t do it earlier, they themselves don’t know how to answer. From year to year, an increasing number of people decide for this kind of adventure, so we also have organized proposals, birthday celebrations, and photo shoots of the newlyweds,” he said.

As he adds, all dayaks are trained for both daytime and nighttime dayak boat rides.

“Everything is completely safe and secure. The Dayak Club is the one that takes care of all the little things and all our Dayak drivers, who drive for the Dayak Club, are trained for this type of driving”, Knežić pointed out for “Nezavisne”.

As he adds, in the summer seasons they organize a free dayak boating school for all those who have the will and desire to learn how to fly a dayak boat. “This year, like the previous one, the school is organized into two groups with 20 people each interested in training, and the only condition is that they know how to swim. Everything else is left to the school’s instructors, who are there to take care of everything,” he explained.

As for age, he points out that there is no age limit.

“Our youngest student is only seven years old. Our oldest attendee was almost 80 years old,” he said, adding that there was great interest from foreigners.

“We had a big visit from medical students who are on exchange in our city. They really like our river, our city. In addition to wanting to take a dayak boat ride, they regularly express a desire to try to steer a dayak. Of course we let them, under the supervision of our instructors, who are trained to run a dayak school. There were foreigners from various countries who tried to drive a dayak and took with them extremely beautiful memories and experiences. These are tourists from countries such as Russia, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Italy, Germany, but also from many other countries and even far away Brazil,” he said.


Members of the Dayak Club Banjaluka regularly organize and participate in numerous events and actions.

“Some of the most important are the traditional Dayak boat race on the occasion of the event ‘Summer on Vrbas’ in cooperation with the Tourist Organization and the city of Banjaluka. For the first time in history, we organized a race for girls and pioneers, in addition to the categories of juniors, veterans and seniors. Then we keep the tradition of our race organized by the club, which is the 4Cross Dayak race. We would also single out the regular actions of cleaning the Vrbas river, where with our members we clean the Vrbas river several times a year in order to make Vrbas and its banks as tidy as possible for the eyes of tourists who come to us from all over the world”, concluded Knežić.
