Creativity at work: With the help of the Telemach Foundation, renowned artists participated in the 13th Street Arts Festival

During the 13th Street Arts Festival, the city of Mostar was once again an open-air gallery. New murals were created, which decorate and will decorate the facades in the city center in the future. With the help of the Telemach Foundation, many young renowned artists from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the region and the world participated in the festival.

Attractive locations in Mostar have been transformed this year into a large open-air gallery painted with inspiring works of art, celebrating art and universal values.

“Transferring from a sketch to the wall, methods of transferring, of which there are several, and some basics. Their ideas were, they worked out some of their sketches, we showed them how to paint, how to cut lines and some technical things. Previously, we worked out the art part where we talked about sketches, poetics and the like” , said Stevan Šoln, masterclass master.

Projects important to local communities

Marija Šoln, mentor at the Masterclass, pointed out that the walls are improvised on panels, and the sprays are as they should be on the wall.

“Now we’re here to break the fear of it, to practice and have a lot of fun,”  said Scholn.

In cooperation with the organizer, the Rezon Association from Mostar, the Telemach Foundation prepared a series of educational and entertaining activities that made this, the 13th edition of the Street Arts Festival Mostar, even better, more significant and more attractive for all participants and visitors.

“The Streets Art Festival in Mostar is actually a very special and unique project where, with our support, we provide an opportunity for the general public to get involved, to communicate, to exchange with young artists, both from the local and international scene, but also to create new concepts both in art and culture, but also social progress itself ,” said Anesa Muhović, director of the Telemach Foundation.

“We organize projects and implement projects that are important to local communities. One of them is precisely the project that we are implementing with the Rezon Association, where we help future artists, young artists, and existing artists to find something new about themselves, some new inspiration and maybe that so-called. street art and dedications” , said Jovana Lukić – CSR director of United Grupa.

25 young artists from BiH and the region had the opportunity to learn from street art stars through the SAFMO Mini Academy this year, and the best six participated in the Telemach Masterclass for a prize.

” It is very important that when you enter a city, a space, a territory that it exudes art, both architecture and everything else, sculpture, murals and graffiti and generally all types of street art,”  stated Teodora Vukajlović, a participant from Banja Luka.

Developing street art

Katja Marijanović, a participant from Stolac, also expressed her opinion:

“Here, the street art community is not that big and when the Rezon Association has some workshops, I think it develops our street art youth and introduces us to this art.”

Adnana Mulalić, a participant from Gračanica, says that she has never dealt with graffiti and has never worked with sprays, but that she otherwise loves art and has been painting since she was a child.

“I wanted to try something new and improve myself in another area,”  adds Mulalić.

In addition to getting to know the artists, their work and this artistic direction in general, in the Zrinjevac park visitors had the opportunity to test their creativity and paint their own works.
