CKM Sarajevo: August 8 exhibition of Dzejlana Karaman Pašić “The World of Illustration”

CKM Sarajevo and Jelićeva Gallery announce the opening of the exhibition “The World of Illustration”, which will be held on August 8 at 6 pm (at Jelića 1). This unique exhibition is the author’s work of illustrator and visual artist Džejlana Karaman Pašić, a prominent artist of Sarajevo Canton.

About a hundred works created in cooperation with writers and publishing houses will be presented to the pub, including author’s picture books, maps and various illustrated educational materials for children. The works are made in different techniques such as tempera, gouache, ink, pencil, as well as digital techniques. The main focus of the exhibition is on content intended for children.

Image and word have always been in an inseparable, friendly relationship. Teaching children the culture of books from an early age is extremely important, because the lesson of a fairy tale can affect various aspects of a child’s life – from emotional and moral development to the development of intelligence and reasoning power.

In addition to the illustrations on display, we will be introduced to the world of imagination and the written word by the multi-awarded BH. writer Marija Fekete-Sullivan, who will read one of her fairy tales during the opening. A special corner will be prepared for the youngest visitors where they can color, brainstorm and solve tasks prepared by the author of the exhibition.

“We invite all art lovers, parents and children to join us and enjoy this unique event that celebrates the beauty of illustration and the written word.

The exhibition will be open for 15 days and can be viewed on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at our address at Jelića 1,” said the press release of the Center for Culture and Art of the Municipality of Centar Sarajevo.
