Census of agriculture in Bosnia and Herzegovina next year

The Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, on the proposal of the Agency for Statistics, adopted the Action Plan for the preparation, implementation and dissemination of the results of the census of agriculture in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2023-2026, which was prepared by the previously appointed interdepartmental working group.

The census of agriculture in the field will be conducted from October 1 to December 15, 2025, with the adjustment of all activities from the Action Plan.

By implementing the agricultural census in accordance with international statistical standards and EU methodology, Bosnia and Herzegovina will fulfill one of the priority obligations within the Stabilization and Association Process on the way to the European Union.

This will ensure, for the first time after more than 60 years, quality data for the analysis of the situation and potential, as well as for strategic planning of the development of the agriculture sector and rural development in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The BiH Statistics Agency is obliged to submit to the Council of Ministers of BiH within 30 days a proposal for a decision on the formation of a central census bureau that will organize, coordinate and monitor all activities related to the preparation and implementation of the agricultural census in BiH.

Three representatives of the State Agency for Statistics, two representatives of entity statistical institutes and one representative each of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of BiH, the Ministries of Agriculture of the Federation of BiH and Republika Srpska, as well as the Department of Agriculture of the Brčko District of BiH will be appointed to the central census bureau.

Source: akta.ba