The Centar Municipality has allocated 150,000 BAM to encourage self-employment of young people

The Centar Municipality has set aside 150,000 BAM for incentives for self-employment of young people, and yesterday the mayor of the Municipality, Srđan Mandić, signed contracts on the allocation of incentive funds for 11 young entrepreneurs. Mayor Mandić said that the contracts on the allocation of grants to encourage entrepreneurship and self-employment of young people through start-up […]

The Ministry of Education of Sarajevo Canton financially supported environmental projects for children and youth

Yesterday, the Ministry of Education of the Sarajevo Canton organized the signing of contracts with associations that applied to the Public Call for funding/co-financing projects in the field of environmental protection and raising environmental awareness of children and youth under 19 in the school year 2021/2022 from the Budget of Sarajevo Canton for 2021. As Minister Naida[…]

The City of Sarajevo continues its activities within the TRIBUTE project

The TRIBUTE project consortium held its second Steering Committee meeting on July 22, which was held online due to the unpredictable epidemiological situation. Nevertheless, the project partners had the opportunity to discuss several technical steps of the project with emphasis on two work packages that are extremely important for the TRIBUTE project: “Methodological framework and assessment” and[…]

Preschool education for children in remote areas – Participate in the first Traveling Kindergarten in Sarajevo Canton

No preschool in your area? Public institution Children of Sarajevo offers preschool education for children in remote areas. This year, we invite parents to enroll their children in the Traveling Kindergarten, which reaches many remote municipalities, and in which the mandatory program for the school year 2021/2022 is being implemented. Since May 2018, Caritas Switzerland, in cooperation[…]

“Young people can act!”

Global Analitika is currently implementing a project with the support of the US Embassy in BiH, titled “Young People Can Act!”, with the aim of empowering young people and developing their capacities. With the support of this project, we provide an opportunity for those who are willing to invest their time and efforts in non-formal education, learning[…]