In 2017, they officially launched the project “My hair, your hair”, the first step of which was education for wig makers, and then the launch of a wig workshop, where since then they have been making wigs from natural hair for children who have suffered temporary or permanent hair loss.
In May, Maglaj was the venue for, as many call it, an unofficial state competition in informatics. The 9th IT Challenge (ITC) brought together nearly 300 young IT professionals and their mentors from 20 Bosnia and Herzegovina. cities.
CRNO believes that every young person can contribute to the development of society through innovative and interesting approaches that attract attention and focus their work.
The Association for the Development of Rural Tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) “Alterural” in our country
The municipal organization of the Red Cross Novo Sarajevo is based on the joint work of volunteers and other team members who strive to contribute to better life and health care, emphasizing adequate prevention, as well as selfless engagement in emergency situations.
The Red Cross was founded to act in accidents and has a tradition of successful and good organization in our city. Its trademark is Šaha Kurtović, who has been selflessly helping her fellow citizens for many years and thus doing everything in her power to make their everyday life as good and beautiful as possible.
Sometimes it only takes a little will and an exchange of (female) energy to shake us up and remind us that each of us, in our own way and in our own domain, can make this world a better place to live.
Non-profit, non-governmental organization Association for Environmental Protection and Promotion of Tourism – STEP directs its scope of activities towards education, promotion, management, use and improvement in the field of tourism and environmental protection.
Badminton club “Sertini” Doboj became a renowned sports team in a short time