Natural treasure of the municipality of Ilidža: The Vrelo Bosne monument got new bridges and a sanitary facility

After the most impressive natural treasure of Ilidža, Vrelo Bosne, recently received a completely new sanitary facility at the very entrance to this natural monument, the reconstruction of several wooden bridges continued the improvement and investment in the infrastructure of this area. Vrelo Bosne, Velika Aleja and Stojčevac represent a whole of exceptional importance for our local […]

Kakanj will protect 55,000 hectares, and Zenica two trees

Yesterday, the Kakanj Municipal Council unanimously adopted the Decision on granting consent for the establishment of the protected area “Gornja Trstionica – Bukovica”, which made a significant step in the protection of nature, both in the Zenica-Doboj canton and in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The initiative for the establishment of official protection of this area was initiated by the[…]

A seven-year-old boy from Banja Luka conquered the highest peak in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Seven-year-old Felix Bundalo from Banja Luka has covered quite a number of kilometers, visited destinations and mountain peaks behind him, which not even many adults can boast of. He recently became  one of the youngest mountaineers  who independently climbed the highest peak of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Maglić, 2,386 meters high,  Miroslav Bundalo , Felix’s father, told Nezavisne novine .  “We climbed Maglić[…]

Friday 18 and Saturday 19 August, the weekend with the Neum Underwater Film Festival 2023.

The Neum Underwater Film Festival begins on Friday, August 18, at 7:30 p.m. at the “Zenit” hotel in Neum. On the first night of the Neum Underwater Film Festival, 22 films will be screened in the official competition, and admission to all screenings is free. The audience of the Neum Underwater Film Festival can expect exceptional underwater attractions[…]