More than 90% of the crop is sold on the plantation – He came back from Belgium and made a business out of cherries in Tarevci near Modriča

The Modrička region has always been known for the production of cherries, and now it is recognizable for the cherries of Sakib Sarvan, who returned from Belgium with his wife Muma 13 years ago, built a farm in Tarevci near Modriča, and today has become one of the largest producers, reports – 50 years ago, this […]

Herzegovina karst interesting for international experts

The Herzegovinian karst is attractive for scientists because of the specific circulation of underground water and the landforms that are formed in such an environment, the mayor of Trebinje, Mirko Ćurić, said today. Ćurić and the President of the City Assembly Dragoslav Banjak visited the participants of the international course and field seminar “Characterization and Engineering of[…]

Mostar: Young people are not interested in old trades, everyone would consider a light job

“Believe me, even younger people are not interested in this. Everyone would love an office, a computer, if it were easy work…I remember the first two years I woke up with stiff fingers, it’s not easy. It’s a man’s job, I can say,” said the silversmith Miličević. the citizens’ initiative of Mostar organized a panel discussion called[…]