Economic empowerment of women at the “Herzegovinian Fruits of the Mediterranean” Fair

On this occasion, the beneficiaries of the “Let’s take advantage of opportunities together” project presented and exhibited homemade juices, jams, jam, homemade salads, eggs, cakes, dairy products, organically grown fruits and vegetables, and knitted paps. The two-day fair served as an excellent opportunity to present everything that the Association does, but also to achieve economic profit and […]

Banja Luka kebab is now a protected brand

The Association for the Preservation of the Guaranteed Tradition of the Banja Luka ćevap specialty was granted a decision for the registration of the guaranteed traditional Banja Luka ćevap specialty by the City Administration yesterday. City manager Bojan Kresojević pointed out that a confirmation, or certificate, was handed over that Banja Luka ćevap is a protected brand[…]

If Stolac was Herzegovina’s Istria

Although Stolac still carries difficult memories of the war years, positive developments are also visible. Local connoisseurs record which actors of public, cultural, and then political life bought properties here relatively recently. “The changes were brought about by the opening of the road to Neum. The stool is no longer the appendix it used to be,” says[…]