The Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism has published a Public call for applications for financial assistance to businesses in tourism and hospitality sector in FBiH for mitigation of consequences of the pandemic (COVID-19) measures. The total available financial resources for the implementation of the Public call amount to 30,000,000 KM. More information available at:
Local Partnership for Entrepreneurship Development Centar invites young people with registered place of residence in Sarajevo Canton, aged 18 to 35, to apply for participation in the Entrepreneurship program for business ideas in the areas of ICT and creative industries. Participants will receive professional support, which will strengthen their skills in entrepreneurship and business planning, and business[…]
With the support of the Kvinna Till Kvinna Foundation, the organization “Rights for All” organized an online discussion “BiH is in Europe, when will we join the EU?“. The topic of the discussion was the process of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s accession to the European Union from the civil society and women’s perspectives. Representatives of the European Union[…]
The first series of humanitarian aid from the United States Government arrived in Bosnia and Herzegovina on March 23, 2020. The aid arrived on a US Army plane that landed at Sarajevo International Airport, and was donated to the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the aim to help Bosnia and Herzegovina, and its entities as[…]
Become self-employed! Apply for 50,000 BAM of non-refundable funds for registration of a trade, sole proprietorship or commercial farming. More information available at:—treci-poziv-za-preduzetnike-i-preduzetnice-2020-2?fbclid=IwAR2YPDvB3N5uvVSfKNHwHn7JiqyANwn6gBvhJjqG6jXIn_KsfhV0-2YssDY
The Cantonal Court in Sarajevo revoked the environmental permit for the construction of two mini hydropower plants on the Buna canals, a natural phenomenon on the Neretva river. The procedure must be carried out again due to irregularities in issuing and ignoring the facts that environmental organizations pointed out in the process. Acting on the lawsuit of[…]
Do you want to start or have you already started your own business in the previous 3 years? Would you like to get advice and learn more about experience of successful European entrepreneurs in order to improve your business idea or business? If the answer is “yes”, we invite you to apply for the cross-border exchange program[…]
Do you want to tell your story or someone else’s story on the Our stories about us/Mi o nama platform? Send us a summary of the story (up to 300 words) and your contact information via Facebook or Instagram inbox, follow our Facebook page, and participate in the competition “Čiča-miča is looking for a good story”. We[…]
The organization of Amputees UDAS, in partnership with the Helsinki Citizens Assembly Banja Luka and the Association of Citizens “Nešto više/Something More”, is launching the campaign with the aim to establish Recognition “Equally-Different” for persons with disabilities and their contribution to the development of the community and society. The recognition will be awarded within the project “Communities[…]