Initiative of the City of Sarajevo – providing help to local businesses

The City of Sarajevo and Laganoo are launching an initiative to help local businesses and are providing 100 free websites/e-commerce websites for entrepreneurs from Sarajevo. In this way, the City of Sarajevo, in cooperation with the Laganoo agency, wants to help entrepreneurs who have faced many challenges and problems caused by the pandemic, but also to expand […]

[REGION] Public call for the award of small grants to civil society organisations within the BY LEAP Project

Public call for the award of small grants to civil society organisations within the Balkans Youth: Linking Education, Abilities and Partnership Potential in Regional Employment Practice (BY LEAP). Call for civil society organizations or non-profit legal entities engaged in youth employment and/or entrepreneurship and/or entrepreneurial education and/or the provision of business support services to youth business initiatives[…]

Call for participants: Young Activist Academy “General Mobilization”

PRONI Center for Youth Development together with the partners of the Association Nešto Više are implementing the project: “Youth Retention Program in Bosnia and Herzegovina – General Mobilization“, funded by the European Union. As part of the project, we are organizing the Young Activist Academy “General Mobilization”, which is intended for young activists from all over Bosnia[…]

Applications for the 5th eUPSHIFT workshop in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Opportunity for youth in the northeast of Republika Srpska

eUPSHIFT is an online workshop for teams of young people aged 13 to 19, who are aware of problems in their local communities and want to work on solving it. Through eUPSHIFT and with the support of mentors and trainers, teams learn how to design a solution to a problem and compete for cash prizes in the[…]

Meeting of the Association Network for Building Peace and the Novo Sarajevo Municipality

Representatives of the Association Network for Building Peace presented the work and projects that have been implemented this year, and announced the Peace Prize Days – Peace Prize “Goran Bubalo 2021”, which will be held on December 10 this year at the International Center for Children and Youth Novo Sarajevo. The Novo Sarajevo Municipality recognized the importance[…]

Public call for applications – co-financing of consulting services

Based on the Work Program and financial plan of the Agency for 2021, the Development Agency of the Republika Srpska announces: PUBLIC CALL for co-financing of consulting services within the project “Consultants Network“ The Development Agency of the Republika Srpska is announcing a public call for applications of legal entities for co-financing of consulting services within the[…]

100 free websites – City of Sarajevo providing help to local businesses

A word from the mayor The City of Sarajevo and Laganoo award 100 free websites/e-commerce websites for entrepreneurs from Sarajevo The era of the pandemic made it difficult for many businessowners to do business, but it also accelerated the process of digitalization, further emphasizing the need for entrepreneurs to expand their business to virtual space. The City[…]

USAID Tourism – Newsletter

Do you want to learn how to organize the best festivals? Interested in food safety courses? Did you miss the story on the Herzegovinian House in Trebinje which was added to the “100 best sustainability destination stories”? 🎯Find out more about our planned activities, as well as the most important events from the previous period: 👉Subscribe[…]