Call for applications to SHL’s Move On Seminar

If all of this applies to you, then you’re in the right place and here’s what you need to do!

The first step is to think  about the things/phenomena that you don’t like in your city,  especially those that affect young people… Get  to know those phenomena  and come up with some cool and  creative way to change some of it.. .Lead make sure that your idea includes other young people from your city and that it implies concrete volunteer engagement!

The next step is to form a team  and register together with three friends (four of you in total) for one of this year’s  Move On Seminars of the Schüler Helfen Leben Foundation!  Through interactive workshops, you will acquire basic knowledge in the field of writing and implementation of youth projects, learn about the importance of youth engagement and receive practical advice related to it. In addition to theoretical knowledge, you will have the opportunity to receive financial support for the implementation of your youth project.

Participation in the seminar is free, and the specific situation opened the door for a combination of online and live learning.  Therefore, the seminar is held in three phases, namely:

PHASE I – Online seminar on the SHL Moodle platform
During the four days of the seminar, with the help of experienced trainers and mentors, plan specific activities and additionally develop the skills needed to realize your idea, such as planning, leadership and work skills in the team, public performance and communication, etc…
At the seminar, meet young people from other cities, hear their ideas and exchange experiences, and make contacts for possible cooperation in the future… In total, we will have four Move On Seminars that have different implementation dates, therefore, you can choose the date and seminar that suits you best:

 and II seminar 09-12.07.2024. years.

III seminar 15-18.07.2024. years.

II PHASE – Seminar that will be organized in the SHL house

Participants who have successfully completed the first phase of the seminar and whose project ideas were judged by the commission to be the most promising will be invited to this part of the seminar. At this three-day seminar, you will come to the SHL training center in Sarajevo, and you will have the opportunity to elaborate your application project in detail, and get financial support for your project. This phase is held live, and the seminar itself is held in the SHL training center – SHL house in the period from September 6-8, 2024. years.

PHASE III – Implementation of youth projects
After successful completion of the first two phases of the seminar, you will have the opportunity to implement a youth project in your city. SHL will provide financial and mentoring support for the implementation of selected projects.

When filling out the application form, pay special attention to the part where you describe your project idea.

You can fill out the application form  here.
The deadline for sending applications is Wednesday 07/03/2023. until 23.59 h.

The next and final step is to share this news with friends and acquaintances in your city, so let them come up with their own ideas or register with a common idea for this seminar, because SHL will choose a team of four from each city participants.

For any additional information, you can contact the SHL Sarajevo team via email or in the inbox on the Foundation’s fan page. All applicants will be notified of the selection results via e-mail on  Thursday, July 4, 2024 by 4 p.m.
