Business Studio Bihać opened yesterday: A new place for entrepreneurs and freelancers

Business Studio Bihać was opened with a panel discussion on How to find and keep top employees. The event brought together key representatives of successful companies from the Una-Sana Canton (USK), who shared their experiences and challenges in the field of employment.

The program was opened by Amir Mulalić, director of the Business Studio association, who, after the opening address, left the moderation to Ajla Mulalić, director of Invision Consulting.

“This packed hall is proof that there are successful people in our region who are looking for solutions and believe that there is no business without people. I believe that everyone could get some new idea, new thinking or practical solution shared by our great guests. One important message today was that we often focus on keeping those who are critical, while neglecting our best employees and how to take care of them in the right way,” said Ajla Mulalić.

The panelists at this event were Elvedin Sedić, Mayor of the City of Bihać, Dženan Džafić, General Manager of Krupa Kabine, Jadranka Penava, CEO of Meggle BH, and Nihad Šušnjar, Director of Bosnaplast.

“It is a common opinion that we find and retain the best employees with a salary. That is somewhat true, but what we see is that employees stay in those companies to which they do not go in the morning against their will. They stay where they feel respected, where their work is seen and validated”, added Amir Mulalić.

The most important message that was highlighted during the discussion is that we must focus on people, recognize and anticipate their needs, and devise innovative ways to align those needs with business goals. Attracting employees doesn’t just start with a creative ad, but with building a company’s reputation and implementing positive practices. It is clear that working according to the old methods is no longer an option, everything is changing faster than we would like, so the only thing left for leaders and business owners is to be one step ahead and look for creative solutions for the challenges of the future.

This panel discussion is only the first in a series of events that Business Studio Bihać will organize with the aim of strengthening the local business community and solving key challenges in business.

Business Studio Bihać is a partnership project between the City of Bihać and Invision Consulting, follow their events on Facebook or Instagram profile @biz.studiobihac.
