Bosnia and Herzegovina is successfully restoring the trust of tourists

Did you know?

In 2021, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) had as many as 84% more visits than in 2020, which was marked by the beginning of the pandemic.

The adopted guidelines for the COVID-19 tourism industry in BiH have brought the globally recognized Safe Travels label, and encouraged the private sector to work every day to restore the confidence of passengers in safe travel.

The Safe Travels label represents the highest standard for guidelines and protocols for health care from COVID-19 in tourism.

“This sets the standard for health and safety protocols so that visitors can travel safely knowing that the destination follows the highest standards.” Julia Simpson, CEO of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) @wtandtc

Choose one of the courses related to the guidelines and protocols for health care on COVID-19 in tourism on our educational platform Tourism Academy click on the link on our profile and then on the announcement.
