Digital technologies for the preservation of cultural heritage

Preservation of the rich cultural and historical heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the focus of numerous activities, initiatives and projects of the European Union. And while most projects apply relatively traditional ways of presenting and nurturing the common past, individuals and organizations like  combine past and future in a unique way through virtual reality and new technologies.[…]

The first Fair of Social Services opened in Sarajevo

The first Social Services Fair is being held today in the Youth Center in Sarajevo, organized by the Service for veterans, disabled and social protection of the Municipality of Centar Sarajevo, with the support of the Ministry of Labour, Social Policy, Displaced Persons and Refugees of Sarajevo Canton. As the head of the Municipality of Centar, Srđan[…]

Results of support through the Kiseljak 2024 Fund.

Clean environment  3,500.00                                                                                                                     TOTAL SUPPORT  3,500.00  The grant allocation committee did not approve the allocation of funds for 1 project, namely:  R. no.  APPLICANT  THE PROJECT  Approved amount/KM  1  NG Roma activists of music and dance, Roma tradition  Music, culture and Roma tradition  0.00                                     TOTAL SUPPORT  0.00  Every applicant of the public invitation[…]

Banja Luka residents against concrete

The citizens demanded the urgent adoption of the urban plan for Banja Luka, as a strategic document of spatial planning of a higher level, with which all regulatory plans must be harmonized. From May 8 to July 4, 2024, the citizens of Banja Luka had the opportunity to give their opinion on several key changes to regulatory[…]

Culture festival Slovo Gorčina 2024: Stolac becomes a regional center of culture

In the Museum of Literature and Theater Arts in Sarajevo, a press conference was held today announcing the 53rd edition of the Culture Festival “Slovo Gorčina”. In the Museum of Literature and Theater Arts in Sarajevo, a press conference was held today announcing the 53rd edition of the Culture Festival “Slovo Gorčina”. The exceptionally high-quality program starts[…]