A seven-year-old boy from Banja Luka conquered the highest peak in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Seven-year-old Felix Bundalo from Banja Luka has covered quite a number of kilometers, visited destinations and mountain peaks behind him, which not even many adults can boast of. He recently became  one of the youngest mountaineers  who independently climbed the highest peak of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Maglić, 2,386 meters high,  Miroslav Bundalo , Felix’s father, told Nezavisne novine .  “We climbed Maglić[…]

Tourists chose the best cheap destinations: Where is Sarajevo?

With the increase in prices, travel has become too expensive for many, so many tourists have turned to cheaper destinations. So one Reddit user asked users what their best and worst budget destinations they’ve visited were. Among the best destinations that Reddit users consider cheap are: Poland, Japan, Portugal, Argentina, Southeast Asian countries, but also some destinations[…]

Sarajevo students on a humanitarian mission: Once again, they showed a big heart and handed aid to Srebrenica families

Yesterday, a group of students from the Faculty of Criminology, Criminology and Security Studies visited the Potočari and Srebrenica Memorial Center. Eleven students led by Adin Fazlagić visited MC Potočari where they laid flowers and paid tribute to the victims killed in the genocide in Srebrenica. With this, they once again said that the genocide in Srebrenica must[…]