ASA Hospital and the Association signed a cooperation agreement this week, establishing a strong partnership between two organizations that contribute to the improvement of the quality of health care in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The contract was signed by the director of ASA Hospital, prof. Ph.D. Mustafa Hiroš and the president of the Association, Elvir Karalić.
Prof. Ph.D. Mustafa Hiroš emphasized the importance of the work of the Association , which since 2012 has been continuously implementing and helping socially vulnerable categories of the population and sick citizens through humanitarian actions and projects, helping more than two million people so far.
“It is about a population in need, which thanks to this Association was given the opportunity for treatment and a happier and dignified life. Through our mission, we at ASA Hospital strive to provide excellence in all segments of activity, and the highest quality treatment that follows the most modern medical standards”, said Prof. Dr. Hirosh.
The cooperation between the ASA Hospital and the Association will primarily be reflected in the provision of medical services to patients who until now had to seek such support outside BiH.
“We thank you for the opportunity for this cooperation. We will try to meet all requests in the best possible way”, pointed out prof. Ph.D. Hirosh.
Elvir Karalić , president of the Association, expressed his satisfaction that citizens will have the opportunity to be treated in such a health facility.

“This is just the beginning of a successful cooperation aimed at helping our population, said Karalić. The aim is to ensure that every patient receives the best possible care and support throughout the treatment process”.
He added that receives a large number of requests from patients in Bosnia and Herzegovina every day. citizens , most of which refer to treatment abroad, primarily in Turkey.
“We hope that our sick citizens will not consider other countries as their last hope and that through this cooperation we will offer a solution and hope for treatment in BiH, which will be very important for strengthening our health care,” concluded Karalić.
The variety of services offered by ASA Hospital reflects the commitment of this medical institution to comprehensive health care. In addition to outpatient consultative and specialist examinations , ASA Hospital places special emphasis on minimally invasive treatments, as well as sophisticated radiological and laboratory diagnostics.
ASA Hospital, with a top team of experts with many years of experience and a strategic partnership with the International Medical University in Vienna and the Vienna General Hospital (AKH), brings high standards in the provision of services, access to the latest scientific achievements and the development of joint scientific and research projects.
All information about services is available on the website of ASA Hospital or through the Contact Center, the free number for calls from BiH is 0800 222 55, for calls from abroad +387 33 555 200.
