Artificial intelligence will control the quality of water in Lake Deran

The Minister of Regional Development and European Union Funds in the Government of the Republic of Croatia, Šime Erlić, with the director of the Ruđer Bošković Institute, DM Smith, signed an agreement worth EUR 1.3 million on the allocation of grants for the project “SMART-Water: Self-sustainable Multisensor System for Monitoring Water Quality in Inland Waterbodies”.

In this important project, JP Nature Park Hutovo blato doo participates as one of the partners, together with the Ruđer Bošković Institute (HR), the University of Zadar (HR), the Institute for Hydrometeorology and Seismology of Montenegro (CG) and the Environmental Protection Agency of Montenegro. Gore (CG), the Hutovo Blato Nature Park announced.

The goal of the project is to improve the quality control procedures of terrestrial (lake) waters using artificial intelligence models. The Hutovo Blato Nature Park will conduct project research on Lake Deran as one of the three pilot locations, in Croatia the research will be conducted on Lake Vrana, and in Montenegro on Lake Skadar.

The Hutovo Blato Nature Park project team will participate in the development of a methodological framework for monitoring and assessing the quality of water bodies. By integrating in-situ sampling, regression analyses, remote sensing and artificial intelligence, the goal is to accurately identify risks and ensure the preservation of water quality.

In addition to the preservation of terrestrial waters, the SMART-Water project aims to improve existing legislative frameworks, more effectively manage water in the region, and raise public awareness of the importance of preserving water resources.

The three-year project also aims to involve local communities, decision-makers and scientists in the decision-making process and preparedness for climate change, over-exploitation and pollution.

The SMART-Water project was approved for financing as part of the Interreg VI-A IPA CBC Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2021 – 2027 program. The total value of the project is 1,532,652.51 euros, of which IPA III CBC funds are 1,302,754.62 euros.

Hutovo blato nature park was allocated a budget in the amount of EUR 192,855. The project was co-financed by ERDF and IPA III funds of the European Union, reports
