Another viewpoint with a glass walkway opened in Herzegovina

On the way to Strač hill, a lookout point with a glass path was opened yesterday, a new place for tourists and Trebinje, from where a panoramic view of the city is offered.

The value of the building is about 130 thousand KM, the money was allocated from the city budget with the support of the line ministry.

“Trebinje is a recognized tourist town in RS and the region. We are aware that tourists always expect something new. We built a viewpoint, which is all the more reason to come to Trebinje again and see the panorama of the city from this place. The project was completed in record time ,” said Mayor Mirko Ćurić, announcing new tourist attractions.

He added that visitors are recommended to reach the facility on foot or by bicycle, from two directions – Crkvina and Gučina, and the plan is to build a better access road to the viewpoint, which will be illuminated.

lookout point is needed

Ćurić also called for the responsibility of everyone who visits this building, which has a certain height and glass surface.

The Minister of Trade and Tourism of the RS, Denis Šulić, said that Trebinje is the best example of expanding the tourist offer, but also reducing the gray area in tourism.

“Trebinje can be an example in the RS and all of Bosnia and Herzegovina, how the local community is fighting to reduce the gray zone in tourism and provide certain benefits to people who legally rent accommodation. According to the indicators of the ministry, in the first six months of this year, the biggest increase in the paid residence tax was precisely in Trebinje. The record number of tourists from year to year shows that everything that the republican and city authorities have done in the southernmost city of Srpska is a good investment that benefits not only the citizens of Trebinje, but also the entire RS ,” he pointed out.
