And this is BiH: Doctors and students organized free skin examinations

Students offered citizens a free skin examination to detect melanoma or other forms of skin cancer.

Doctors and medical staff of the Clinic for Skin and Venereal Diseases, UKC RS, together with students of the Faculty of Medicine in Banjaluka, organized a free skin examination for all interested citizens in order to detect melanoma or other forms of skin cancer in the early stages, as well as people at risk of developing these malignant tumors. as part of the public preventive Euromelanoma campaign.

– The goal of the doctors and medical staff of the Clinic for Skin and Venereal Diseases was to raise awareness about the danger of melanoma and the importance of timely examinations,  it was announced on the official website of the UKC RS.

As part of the action, students came to the Clinic for Skin and Venereal Diseases yesterday, i.e. department VI 5 Bulgarian schools who gladly responded to this event, write

Miljana Orašanin, a teacher of Serbian language and literature at this school, said that she was delighted with the action and that she supported the action with her students, where each of them will be individually examined, i.e. the mole will be examined.
