Agricultural Cooperative “Woman” founded in Kravica

Women from Kravica and surrounding area have been working for the last eleven years through the activities of the Association “Maja” from Kravica to improve business skills and improve market relations. All of them are engaged in agriculture today. Rada Đurić, a farmer from Kravica, sees the new cooperative as a form of help for placing her products on the market.

The plan of the women from Kravica is to open their own sales units in the future, where they will sell healthy food to customers.

The new cooperative, founded with the help of the CARE International and the Municipality of Bratunac, will also work with the purchase of raspberries, blackberries and other fruits, and the construction of a refrigerator place is also part of the long-term plan.

Source: Facebook stranica Ekonomsko osnaživanje žena