After 10 years, the Book Fair is back in Tuzla: The Book Fair is starting in the Croatian Cultural Center “Sveti Franjo”

The organizers of the Fair from the Association of Citizens ACTIVUS announce many interesting activities.

More than 20 publishing houses will present their new and all other editions at the Fair. More than 40 individual promotions of literary works were organized along with socializing with the authors.

The book fair in Tuzla is held from September 26 to 29 in the Croatian Cultural Center “Sveti Franjo” under the general patronage of the company NIPEX, and in cooperation with NUB Derviš Sušić, the Society of BiH Writers, the Tuzla Youth Theater and Urbanpoint. The organizers would like to especially thank the guardian Fr. Željko Nikolić, as well as the president of the Majlis of the Tuzla Islamic Community Prof. dr. Amir Karić and the Chief Imam hfz. Ahmed ef. Huskanović for helping with the organization of the Book Fair in Tuzla.

Visitors to the Fair are especially interested in the Book Market, where you will be able to buy, sell, exchange or give away your old books, comics or LP records every day from 12:00 to 19:00.

The official opening of the Fair is on Thursday at 11:55 a.m. in HKC “Sveti Franjo” Tuzla.

This event was especially supported by: City of TUZLA, NIPEX, Medical Institute Bayer Tuzla, Telefunken – Sonra doo, FINconsult doo, Golden Star Hotel Tuzla, SU-AD fire engine production, IPI Academy Tuzla and MAX LED Media.

The working hours of the Fair are every day from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. ADMISSION IS FREE, and after 8 p.m., interesting gatherings and post-fair activities continue on the HKC plateau. As part of these post-fair activities, musical gatherings were organized along with poetry and prose readings.

Dear parents and little readers, it is with great pleasure that we invite you to join, visit the Fair and give your personal contribution to our special campaign “My first Book Fair with parents” – noted the organizers, because as they say: This is a unique opportunity to encourage love towards reading and shared enjoyment of books, for all generations.

You can find out more about the hourly rate and schedule of events on the official  FB page
