A small festival that deserves a lot of attention continues with new content on Lake Boračka

On Sunday, August 25, starting at 10:30 a.m., the BiH writer, editor of the magazine Žurnal, Selvedin Avdić and his intimate monograph novel “My Factory” will be presented as part of “Books for Breakfast”.

The third edition of the Habitat Culture Fest, which started on July 6, 2024 and will last until September, continues with new cultural content that they have prepared for their visitors at the location of Herzegovina Lodges on Lake Boračko.

On Sunday, August 25, starting at 10:30 a.m., the BiH writer, editor of the magazine Žurnal, Selvedin Avdić and his intimate monograph novel “My Factory” will be presented as part of “Books for Breakfast”. Danijela Kegelj will be the moderator.

Homage to Dina Kasal

As announced by the organizers, on July 25 at 7 p.m. they will pay tribute to the famous BiH. director and photographer Dina Kasal.

In cooperation with his family, three of his documentaries will be shown as part of the evening dedicated to Kasal: “Let the river flow”, “Slatka ljuta” and “Thorn in the eye”. Also, on the same day, an exhibition of photographs made by him and his daughter Lola will be opened.

The organizers of HabitatCulture Fest point out that this exhibition is for sale and that all money collected will be sent to the mountain lodge on Prenje.

At the dinner dedicated to the deceased Kasal, his friends will also speak.

“Dinno was a great fighter for a more beautiful and better environment, he loved ecology. His friends and acquaintances from GSS, then rafting clubs, Foundation “Atelier for Social Changes” will also come. All of them will remind us of his personality and what he created”, it was announced.

A different experience of cultural content

We remind you that Habitat Culture Fest was opened with the promotion of the book “Homeless” by Namik Kabila, who said after the opening that the people behind Habitat Culture Fest are those who believe in it with their hearts, and that they managed to transfer part of that enthusiasm to all the participants. .

Excellent literary evenings, exhibitions, great films and round tables are only a part of the Festival, which in the beautiful natural setting of Boracki jezera offers a completely different experience of cultural content in this part of Herzegovina.

“One of our guests, the writer Refik Hodžić, said during his visit this year that the festival is small, but due to the strength of the ideas and values ​​it promotes, and the quality of the content – it deserves a lot of attention from the public. We really believe in that and that’s why we live with our hearts everything that happens during the summer in the Herzegovina Lodges area. It is a special energy that simply has to be felt”, said the organizers of Habitat Culture Fest.

By the way, Habitat Culture Fest was created as a continuation of the “Cultural Summer” event, which was created by true lovers of art and culture, Elmir and Goranka Prevljak. Wanting to do something more and more substantial, they decided to start this Festival.

You can visit their Facebook page for all the details.

Source: blesak.info