A record number of visits in the first quarter of this year, mostly tourists from the region

The Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism announced that data from the Federal Bureau of Statistics for the first three months of 2024 on the number of tourists in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina confirm record attendance.

“During March this year, the total number of tourist arrivals was 67,315, which is 2.1 percent more than in March 2023. The total number of overnight stays by tourists in March was 129,408, which is 3.1 percent more than in the same month last year. The participation of domestic tourists is about 30 percent, and foreign tourists about 70 percent. In the structure of foreign tourists, guests from the region, from Serbia and Croatia, as well as Montenegro, dominated the most, and tourists from Turkey, Italy, Slovenia, Germany and Austria also have a significant share,” the  Federal Ministry said in a statement.

According to the data of the federal tourist barometer, in January of this year there were 63,000 tourists in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is also 2.1 percent more than in January of the previous year. The press release points out that the figures for February this year are even better, considering that there were 9.3 percent more tourists compared to the same month last year, and 1.7 percent more overnight stays.

“For the first three months of this year, compared to the same period in 2023, an increase of 3.35 percent was achieved. These are indicators that the trend of increasing the number of tourists will continue throughout the year. The challenges are numerous, but the trends are in our favor, as well as the possibilities of our country, which are indicated by the opening of negotiations with the European Union. They are also happy about the new airlines, especially from the Sarajevo airport, which opens up the possibility of an additional increase in the number of tourists,”  the Federal Ministry announced.

Also, this ministry announced a public call for support programs in tourism, which is open until May 29. Federal Minister of Environment and Tourism Nasiha Pozder pointed out that the goal of this support from the Federal Budget through current and capital transfers in the total amount of four million KM is to further improve the tourism sector in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“This year’s budget provides two million KM for current transfers. Through the Public Call, we will support quality projects related to manifestations of a domestic and international character, as well as programs to support the competitiveness of tourism and hospitality activities through co-financing of specific tourism, such as rural and indigenous hospitality activities. We will also co-finance promotional material through the branding of individual places, then events (campaigns) and products for the purpose of strengthening the tourist offer, as well as video promotion and branding of tourism in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. For the first time, we also have capital transfers in the amount of two million KM, and we will co-finance infrastructure construction programs to improve the tourist offer and the specifics of the development of tourist destinations. There is also support for projects that serve the purpose of developing sustainable tourism in destinations of wider natural and cultural-historical significance for the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. With the quality implementation of these projects, which were designed in accordance with the adopted FBiH Tourism Development Strategy 2022-2027, and with the trend in the first quarter, I am convinced that we will end 2024 with the best results in tourism,”  said Minister Pozder, it was announced Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism.


Source: akta.ba