A big victory: The inspection banned the construction of a hydroelectric power plant on Uni!

Today, the State Inspectorate of the Republic of Croatia published the latest statement carried by the Croatian media, in which it is stated that the Nature Protection Inspection of the State Inspectorate initiated administrative proceedings against the investor who is working on the construction of the small hydroelectric plant “Una-mlin” on the Una river.

From the press release, it is learned that the investor is forbidden by decision to carry out any actions and works on the construction of a 160 kW hydroelectric power plant, on the land marked as lot No. 1287/6, Ko Neteka, which is located in the area of ​​the ecological network Natura 2000, under the name ” HR 2001069 Una Canyon”.

This decision was made because the works did not pass the necessary acceptance assessment for the area of ​​the ecological network, which is a key step in the protection of natural resources and the preservation of biodiversity.

This move by the State Inspectorate was greeted with great joy by environmental activists and local residents who strongly oppose the construction of a hydroelectric power plant in one of the most protected natural areas of the Republic of Croatia.

“We have just learned from the media that the State Inspectorate has taken important steps to protect the Una River. The Nature Protection Inspection of the State Inspectorate initiated an administrative proceeding against the investor of the hydroelectric power plant on the Una River, prohibiting the construction of the small hydroelectric power plant “Una-mlin” in the area of ​​the Natura 2000 ecological network. This is a huge step forward in our struggle ,” they said in their statement. from the Association Una Srb.

They added that the fight for Una is not over yet, but that this is a great victory.

“We have a lot of work ahead of us now. News like this puts the wind at our backs. If the works are indeed officially suspended and if this is the final decision, our next steps should be to repair the damage, remove MHE and other harmful elements from the spatial plan that threaten the living environment in the valley of the upper Una and its tributaries. Also, we must work on projects for the permanent protection of this area” , said the Una Srb Association.

Source: akta.ba