Workshop for journalism students: The impact of social media networks on young people

Journalism students are invited to participate in an interactive online workshop “The impact of social media networks on young people” which will be held on March 18, 2021, starting at 11:00 am via Zoom.

Workshop participants will be able to expand their knowledge of social networks and their impact on young people, the importance of correct information on many levels, and practically write an article based on correct facts, in order to prevent negative impacts on society as a whole.

Lecturers at the workshop are:

  • Jasmin Alibegović, freelance journalist from Sarajevo;
  • Brankica Smiljanić, freelance journalist from Banja Luka;
  • Nejira Imamović, student at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo.

The project was created as a result of the training “Digital protection and security” which is an initiative of Techsoupe Europe realized by the Association Zašto ne.

Please send your applications for participation to the e-mail address: until March 17, 2021.