The Ministry of Agriculture of Republika Srpska reminds that all submitted requests for capital investments were approved. The aim of the investments is to help farmers to overcome problems they are facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. More information available at:

Call for applications – distribution of greenhouses

Youth Cultural Center “UrbanArt”, within the project “Strengthening Greenhouse Production” announces a call for applications for distribution of greenhouses (a total of 8 greenhouses will be provided within this call) of 50 m2 with equipment. The project is implemented as part of support for initiatives for mitigation of economic impact caused by the COVID-19. “Strengthening Greenhouse Production”[…]

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: the European Steering Committee for Youth (CDEJ) invites young people to submit their applications for activities that will be held in cooperation with the European Youth Centres in the second semester of 2021

The European Steering Committee for Youth (CDEJ) has issued a Call for Applications for activities that will be held in cooperation with the European Youth Centres in the second semester of 2021, as part of the Youth for Democracy program. These activities mainly concern study sessions and “special projects”. ℹ️Study sessions for the Council of Europe are[…]

Reducing air pollution: Sarajevo Canton will subsidize the replacement of coal and other solid fuels furnaces

The Government of Sarajevo Canton has approved the implementation of the pilot project “Subsidizing the replacement of coal and other solid fuels furnaces in households in Sarajevo Canton with certified furnaces and heat pumps.” The Minister of Physical Planning, Construction and Environmental Protection of Sarajevo Canton Faruk Kapidžić is authorized to sign the Agreement with the UNDP,[…]

Call for proposals: Providing assistance to schools for promotion of democratic school culture within the action “Quality education for all (Quality ED)” in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Within the framework of the action on “Quality education for all (Quality ED)” in Bosnia and Herzegovina, implemented under the joint European Union/Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022”, the Council of Europe initiates a call with the aim to fund provision of assistance to schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina for[…]