The City of Bihać, in cooperation with the Mozaik Foundation, offers subsidies for business development

The City of Bihać offers a subsidy of up to 10,000 BAM for business development, and the Startup Studio of the Mozaik Foundation additional capital in the amount of up to 40,000 BAM and expert support in the amount of up to 10,000 BAM. You need to present your business and support the City of Bihać and […]

Project Be art ACTIVE against corruption in your society

Association “Dignitet” is implementing the project Be art ACTIVE against corruption in your society. We invite all interested participants aged 15 to 25 to apply for a workshop on Art Activism until October 07, 2021. We invite you to work together to create a new social awareness with an emphasis on preventing and fighting corruption, creating joint[…]

Public presentation of the renovated premises of the Public Institution “Home for children without parental care”

On the occasion of the public presentation of the renovated premises in the Public Institution Home for children without parental care Tuzla, the Tuzla Community Foundation is organizing a press conference on October 1, 2021 at 13:00 hrs.   The premises, which consist of a spacious living room with dining area, six bedrooms, toilets and two loggias,[…]

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM I Love My City Fund – Public call for project proposals and civic initiatives

The Tuzla Community Foundation (hereinafter: the Foundation) invites citizens, associations and institutions from the Tuzla Canton to show how much they love the place where they live and propose projects for the benefit of all, which will solve key community problems and make positive changes. In partnership with the Porticus Foundation, the Foundation announces a public call[…]

Functional local community councils, the key of the local community development

On Saturday, the Network of Active Communities (MAZ), in partnership with the Tuzla Community Foundation (FTZ), organized the 14th Conference of Active Citizens at the Tuzla National Theater. The focus of this year’s conference was a panel discussion on “Functional councils of local communities, the key to development at the local level” but also the engagement of[…]

How to use the tools available on the website

LocalWorks (Snaga lokalnog) is a five-year USAID initiative implemented by the Association Network for Building Peace The web site, which is a unique place in the digital world, has different types of tools that are useful for civil society organizations, activists, citizens and their initiatives, which improve life in their local community. Civil society and civil[…]

14th Active Citizens Conference – Functional councils of local communities, the key to local community development

On Saturday, the Network of Active Communities (MAZ), in partnership with the Tuzla Community Foundation (FTZ), organized the 14th Conference of Active Citizens at the Tuzla National Theater. The focus of this year’s conference was a panel discussion on “Functional councils of local communities, the key to development at the local level” but also the engagement of[…]